Benutzerdefinierte Panels
- Wie lang sind die Sonden im kundenspezifischen Panel?
- Kann das Target Enrichment an Genfusionen und SNPs angepasst werden?
- Kann Twist kundenspezifische Panels für die gezielte Methylierungs-Bisulfit-Sequenzierung entwerfen?
- What is the Custom Panel Submission Tool?
- What types of designs are supported?
- How do I start a new panel design?
- Where can I find my TE number or Online Submission ID?
- What are Advanced Features?
- How do I select a custom reference genome?
- What is Repeat Filtering Stringency?
- What types of targets can I include in my panel?
- Wie kann ich Ziele manuell eingeben?
- How do I use the Template File option?
- What formats are required for entering genomic coordinates and SNPs?
- What are 0-based coordinates?
- How do I customize default targeting settings for gene symbols?
- What are the options for regions to cover within each gene?
- How do I input genomic coordinates?
- What is tiling in the context of genomic coordinates?
- How do I input SNPs?
- How do I input probe sequences?
- What fields are required for probe sequences?
- How do I review my design?
- What information is needed to submit my design?
- Where can I get more help?
- Where can I find my TE number or Online Submission ID?
- How do I submit an RNA or Methylation design?
- How do I select a custom reference genome?
- Wie kann ich Ziele manuell eingeben?
- What formats are required for entering genomic coordinates and SNPs?
- Handelt es sich bei Twist Sonden um RNA oder DNA?
- Kann Twist ein benutzerdefiniertes Anreicherungspanel für andere Arten als Menschen entwickeln?
- Gibt es die Möglichkeit, andere Sondenlängen für ein Target-Enrichment-Panel zu erstellen?
- Was ist die Definition einer Region mit geringer Komplexität für das Target Enrichment?
- Stellt Twist RNA-Sonden her?
- Was ist die maximale Panelgröße, die Twist erstellen kann?
Custom Panel Submission Tool
- What is the Custom Panel Submission Tool?
- What types of designs are supported?
- Are Twist Probes DNA/RNA?
- How large can my panel be?
- How do I access ‘How-to videos’?
- How do I access the quick tour guides?
- Does this tool create my custom panel design?
- Are my designs automatically generated?
- I made a mistake in my submission, what should I do?
- I would like to make edits or changes to my previous submission, what should I do?
- How do I start a new panel design?
- How do I update an existing panel?
- My genome/build of interest is not listed as an option?
- What are Advanced Features?
- What types of targets can I include in my panel?
- How do I submit my complex variants such as MSIs, CNVs, Large Indels or Structural rearrangements such as gene fusions?
- How do I use the UploadFile option?
- What are 0-based coordinates?
- How do I customize default targeting settings for gene symbols?
- Why do you target different transcript databases by default?
- Why do you target all transcripts?
- What are the options for regions to cover within each gene?
- I am only interested in a specific transcript(s) for my gene, how do I specify this?
- I have individual gene requirements, how do I input these?
- What is tiling in the context of Genes?
- My target is difficult to capture/sequence, what do I do?
- My gene of interest has pseudogenes, how do I ensure specific capture?
- How do I input genomic coordinates?
- What is tiling in the context of genomic coordinates?
- How do I input SNPs?
- How do I input probe sequences?
- What fields are required for probe sequences?
- How do I review my design?
- What information is needed to submit my design?
- Where can I get more help?