At Twist sustainability starts with our silicon platform, which miniaturizes the chemistry of DNA synthesis significantly, enabling synthesis at scale for multiple products to serve thousands of customers. Our proprietary method of synthesis uses only 0,02% of chemicals compared to approaches that use a 96-well plate1. Our platform enables us to serve our customers who are changing the world for the better, making more sustainable materials, better crops, therapeutics, enabling tests and so much more.
This Earth Day, we feature two customers’ incredible work:
“As a sustainable specialty chemical company, we help customers meet their highest performance and sustainability goals. Our bio-inspired solutions are designed to replace persistent and sometimes toxic processes with products that are better, cleaner, and cost effective. Twist’s high-quality products are part of the process that enables us to find innovative solutions faster and more efficiently to meet the demands of the marketplace.”
- Chantal Bergeron, Chief Sustainability Officer and Director of Home Care, Lygos
“Our HudsonAlpha Wiregrass peanut breeding program uses whole genome sequencing to develop disease resistant, drought tolerant peanuts for sustainable production and is the only breeding program in the world driven by high school students. Twist Bioscience’s Twist 96-plex has been beneficial in advancing our peanut breeding program.”
- Josh Clevenger, Faculty Investigator, HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
“Bioindustrial manufacturing harnesses the power of biology to create the goods people use every day. By working with biology, we can envision a brighter future where everyday products – from bionylon to growable cement and more – are manufactured safely and sustainably.”
- Genya Dana, BioMADE Chief Strategy and Bioeconomic Development Officer, BioMADE
"Twist's vertically integrated silicon-based DNA synthesis platform delivers unrivaled high-throughput capacity and accuracy cost effectively with fast turnaround time. On Earth Day, we celebrate our innovative customers, who by using Twist get industry-leading DNA products while reducing their emissions, energy, and waste. Our customers don't pay a premium for sustainability; they get a greener DNA synthesis solution baked into our amazingly powerful platform at no extra cost."
- Emily Leproust, CEO and Cofounder, Twist Bioscience
Twist quantified the carbon footprint of making a single gene. Using our approach, 0.036kg (36 grams) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is emitted per gene, compared to emissions of up to 23 kg per gene for 96-well plate approaches1. This is the equivalent of greenhouse gasses emitted from driving a gasoline-powered car for 0,092 miles compared to 59 miles2.
Learn more about sustainability at Twist: https://www.twistbioscience.com/company/esg?tab=environmental{{/a:1}}
By manufacturing our DNA in a way that uses fewer chemicals and has a smaller carbon footprint per gene than 96-well plate approaches, we aim to be a more sustainable part of our customers’ supply chains.
The customer experiences are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the experience at other institutions.
- Calculated Twist internal data using Dr. Oligo benchmark January 2021
- Calculated using the EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator
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