What do the scoring results of my gene mean?

After submitting your gene sequences on our website, they will be automatically scored for feasibility of assembly:

Standard: No errors have been found. Gene sequence found to be of "standard" overall complexity (e.g. length, GC content, homology, etc). 

Complex: No errors have been found. Some sequence complexities (e.g. length, GC content, homology, etc) exist but we do not expect any problems synthesizing your gene. Rarely, sequences may experience increased turnaround time or risk of manufacturing failure.

Error: Gene sequence contains errors. Please click on the sequence to get more details on how to resolve them.

Not Accepted: The sequence contains elements that make it impossible for us to synthesize. Please see the detailed explanations provided with the error message or refer to the “Design Guidelines”.

About Scoring System

Our scoring system adopts a machine learning model which analyzes and combines multiple sequence parameters ( i.e. overall GC percent, maximum homopolymer length, maximum repeat length, sequence length, repeat density, etc.). This model was trained using our historical manufacturing data, and it provides a more precise estimation of production success for genes and antibody products

About ISSUE messages

Warnings: Are associated with the risk of failure, predicted by the machine learning model. A higher number of warnings is more likely to result in a “Not Accepted” score.

Errors: Are not associated with gene complexity, and they can be fixed by correcting the gene design

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